- 《be ~》(体の機能{きのう}が)自動的{じどうてき}に脳幹{のうかん}で規制{きせい}[統制{とうせい}?調整{ちょうせい}]される
automatically regulated by the brain stem 意味
- "automatically programmed tools" 意味
- "automatically qualify for free health care" 意味
- "automatically recognized by most web-browsers" 意味
- "automatically record the sender's address in someone's address book" 意味
- "automatically recorded" 意味
- "automatically reject" 意味
- "automatically renew" 意味
- "automatically renewable time deposits" 意味
- "automatically replace misspelled words with words from the spelling checker dictionary" 意味
- "automatically record the sender's address in someone's address book" 意味
- "automatically recorded" 意味
- "automatically reject" 意味
- "automatically renew" 意味